Dear Parents,
We want to thank you again for choosing to send your campers to Manidokan and/or West River this summer and for following our COVID-19 safety precautions. We appreciate all you are doing to help keep your camper and our entire camp community safe this summer!
The best way to protect everyone is to keep COVID-19 out of camp in the first place. This is why the pre-camp screening form (and testing for overnight campers) is so critical.
We want to give you more details on how the Pre-Camp Screening form will be used to evaluate the health of your camper and the level of COVID-19 exposure risk they have had prior to arriving at camp.
The details below pertain to UNVACCINATED CAMPERS. Criteria for vaccinated campers may be different. If your camper is vaccinated, please bring a copy of their vaccination card.
On page one of the Pre-Camp Screening Form there are four questions in a box.
- The inability to initial question 1 would result in an exclusion from camp.
- The inability to initial question 2 will result in further questioning as to the nature of the illness and may result in exclusion from camp.
- Travel to any state with a COVID-19 transmission rate above 10 cases per 100,000 will result in exclusion from camp. Visits to PA, WV, VA, DE, and DC are not considered travel. You can find the case rate per 100,000 at
The 14-day temperature and symptom tracking
- At least 12 of the 14 days must be completed.
- If your camper has an elevated temperature (100.4 or above) or the presence of COVID-19 symptoms in the 14 days leading up to camp have the camper evaluated by a doctor or nurse practitioner to determine the cause of the symptoms and bring written assessment to camp. Please also contact the camp. The presence of symptoms not explained by another cause would result in exclusion from camp.
The second page of the pre-screening form is to be filled out the day the camper arrives at camp.
- If you answer yes to indicate the camper has symptoms of an illness, and yes that they have been exposed to someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days it will result in exclusion from camp.
Finally, there may be other scenarios not listed above which could be cause for exclusion from camp for COVID-19 safety reasons. Decisions on exclusion are made by the site Director.
If you have any questions about this form or are concerned your camper may not be able to attend because of the results of the pre-screening, please reach out to the Manidokan or West River office by the Friday before the start of your camper’s program.
Manidokan: 301-834-7144 or
West River: 410-867-0991 or
Chris Schlieckert
Kirstin Shrom-Rhoads
P.S. if you missed any of our earlier parent email updates, you can find them at: